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A&P Seeking Buyers for 118 Locations; Losing Millions Per Week

A&P Seeking Buyers for 118 Locations; Losing Millions Per Week

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

The A&P bankruptcy saga continues, this time with court filings revealing the retailer's millions of dollars a week in losses, as well as the commanding judge requiring a deadline for today to resolve disputes with labor unions.

A&P Food Market

A&P, which filed for bankruptcy just last month, has now said it’s “burning cash at a rate of $4.5 million a week,” as it seeks permission from courts to sell 118 of its 301 stores.

A&P’s Financial Adviser, Tim McDonagh, admitted in a filing to courts that “the gap between the debtors’ assets and liabilities is widening,” with the most recent data showing the company has about $1.6 billion in assets, and liabilities reaching as high as $2.3 billion.

Retailers Acme, Stop & Shop and Key Food have all already submitted bids totaling nearly $570 million to buy A&P’s 118 stores, but each company has included prohibitions on “bumping,” or where workers at stores that close could end up displacing workers with less seniority at the stores that will remain open under new owners.

McDonagh, also a Managing Director at FTI Consulting Inc., added that if A&P had to conduct a “fire sale” to liquidate those stores, instead of selling them under the negotiated purchase agreements, the proceeds would be about $213 million less.

Stay tuned as Deli Market News continues to update you on all developing A&P news.
