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Johnsonville Reveals Results of National Temperature Check Survey; Jamie Schmelzer Comments

Johnsonville Reveals Results of National Temperature Check Survey; Jamie Schmelzer Comments

Monday, April 8th, 2024

At a time when Americans can seem more divided than ever, Johnsonville has found some of the commonalities that link us. As part of its Keep It Juicy campaign, the sausage provider conducted a National Temperature Check survey of over 2,000 U.S. adults and found some things Americans can agree on.

Jamie Schmelzer, Senior Director of Marketing, Johnsonville"We know the world is full of serious problems sausage can't fix," said Jamie Schmelzer, Senior Director of Marketing, Johnsonville. "But this data shows most of us would like to make more time for fun and togetherness. Lots of people agree great food makes that easier, so we're happy to play our small, sausage part."

The survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll from February 29–March 4, a release explained. Key findings include:

  • Americans Are Exhausted – Johnsonville's National Temperature Check found that 80 percent of adult Americans expressed they are exhausted by the anger and negativity in America
  • Missed Connections – The survey found adults currently feel less connected—60 percent of those polled agreed having fun with people has gotten harder lately
  • Americans Are Willing to Hang Out Over a Great Meal – 91 percent of adults shared that they don't have to agree with someone on every issue in order to enjoy a meal together; 75 percent of Americans agree that people are mostly good, and 71 percent agree it is easier to hang out with people whose views they don't necessarily agree with if they are enjoying a meal they love

The Keep It Juicy campaign has kicked off with the launch of a new ad creative, with additional initiatives to be announced at a later date.

To read more of the survey results, click here.

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