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Jackie Nakashian Discusses Trinity Fruit Company's Squeezed Juice Line Post-WFFS Success

Jackie Nakashian Discusses Trinity Fruit Company's Squeezed Juice Line Post-WFFS Success

Wednesday, February 28th, 2024

This past January was the third consecutive Winter Fancy Food Show (WFFS) in Las Vegas, Nevada, and it’s the same for up-and-comer Squeezed Juice by Trinity Fruit Company. Bridging the gaps in fresh offerings around the store perimeter, the team saw a warm reception for its zero-concentrate Squeezed Juice line.

Jackie Nakashian, Brand Manager, Trinity Fruit Company“The response to our juice was amazing! It’s so nice to see consumers and retailers enjoy it,” Jackie Nakashian, Brand Manager, tells me. “We exhibited at WFFS to showcase our full line of premium, refrigerated juices made from fruit grown on Trinity Fruit’s family-owned farms.”

Already a long-established grower with deep California roots, Trinity began offering the juice line as part of its zero-waste mission.

“Squeezed Juice is delicious and nutritious. Trinity is transforming perfectly good fruit into juice without concentrates, water, or added sugars. While the majority of our fruit makes it to the produce aisle, there’s a percentage of fruits that don’t quite make the cut for appearance or size, and this approach gives them new life,” Jackie shares.

Bridging the gaps in fresh offerings around the store perimeter, the Trinity Fruit Company team saw a warm reception for its zero-concentrate Squeezed Juice line

Offered in flavors that appeal to consumer demand for a healthy boost—Power, Immunity, and Focus—the line is offered in 11 oz single-serve bottles and multi-serve 32 oz juices. Additionally, the line offers 100 percent mandarin juice and 100 percent pomegranate juice in the same two sizes.

The line is as visually appealing as its flavors, with bright, eye-catching colors in fun curvy bottles. It’s no surprise to hear attention was captured even on the bustling WFFS floor, so imagine what it can do in the store. In fact, these bottles can already be found in a range of retail banners, including Albertsons, Cardenas Markets, Gelson’s Markets, and more.

As we continue to follow this and other rising brands in the industry, Deli Market News will report the latest.

Trinity Fruit Company