As plant-based offerings continue to dominate the retail and foodservice sectors, more companies are hopping onto the elite non-meat burger train. Big players like Sysco and Kroger immediately spring to mind. And now Trader Joe’s is the latest retailer to make such a move, further positioning itself as a one-stop-shop for consumers. Dubbed “Protein Patties”—am I the only one reminded of Spongebob’s “Pretty Patties”?—these plant-based burgers are available at stores now.
“Folks are increasingly going for meatless burgers for all kinds of reasons, but we like to think that one reason in particular is primarily responsible: plant-based burgers have gotten really, really good recently,” the brand explained in a statement sent to Food & Wine. “That’s why we decided to bring in our very own Trader Joe’s Protein Patties.”
Made a from a blend of pea proteins, sunflower oil, beets, and seasonings, the burgers are both vegan and kosher. Like other plant-based offerings, these patties resemble a traditional burger, offering both vegetarians and flexitarians an alternative to regular beef.
What will Trader Joe’s reveal next? Deli Market News will continue to keep a finger on the retail pulse.