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Mifroma USA’s Al Baca Discusses Raclette Resurgence

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

An old favorite is finding new fans amongst U.S. consumers. A semi-hard cheese made from cow’s milk, Raclette is finding its way into consumer hearts in a big way, with Mifroma USA here to answer that demand.

Al Baca, East Coast Regional Sales Manager, Mifroma USA“Raclette has enjoyed a great resurgence in the United States,” Al Baca, East Coast Regional Sales Manager, tells me of the company’s winning offering. Hailed by at-home and professional chefs alike, the selection is best known for its melting charactertistics

Raclette, Al says, was first mentioned back in the 1200s in naval writings. But more commonly, the cheese was favored by those more aligned with our industry. 

“Raclette was originally used by herders. So, when they up to the mountains with their cows,” Al continues, “that was their source of protein."

Sliced Raclette

Today, consumers melt the cheese over potatoes and gherkin pickles to elevate their plates. In this vein, Mifroma USA offers wheel and square Raclette for purchase, and a new selection as well; sliced Raclette. 

“We’re just introducing our new item, the sliced Raclette,” Al finishes. “Available in a 7 oz and 10.5 oz package.” 

Where else is Mifroma USA finding success with its unforgettable Raclette? Find out in my exclusive interview above.

Mifroma USA

Simple done rightBuholzer Brothers - More than great cheese - it's our way of life - GoudaMike's Hot Honey - Two leading brands, one HOT partnership

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