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Applegate Battles Lunchtime Boredom With Its  Lunching Awesome  Campaign

Applegate Battles Lunchtime Boredom With Its "Lunching Awesome" Campaign

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019

I’m one of those lucky 27-year olds still in school—curse you grad school degree—and I can attest to the importance of a school lunch. Top of the list? Sandwiches. They’re portable, the options are endless, and they’re easily one of my favorite things to eat.

Applegate offers deli meat favorites, including natural and organic turkey, ham, chicken, and roast beef varieties

Lucky for me and all those other kiddos heading off to school, Applegate launched a “Lunching Awesome” campaign, sharing delicious sandwich recipes and a sandwich guide that details key components of great sandwich making.

Nicole Glenn, Vice President of Marketing, Applegate"I work at a meat company and still have a hard time making lunch interesting for my two children," said Nicole Glenn, Vice President of Marketing. "Sandwiches can be easy to make, but there are also lots of things that can go wrong. If the bread is soggy, the ingredients too bland, there's too much mayo…not enough mayo, there's a chance that sandwich is coming back home uneaten—or worse—going in the trash. For parents finding themselves in a sandwich dilemma, I think Applegate has some pretty good solutions."

A recent survey conducted by the company found that:

  • 70 percent of parents are looking for new and easy sandwich recipes
  • 10 percent of parents say there's no such thing as a great sandwich
  • 15 percent of parents blame their lack of lunch inspiration on not having enough time to make their children's lunches

For those consumers feeling stuck in a sandwich rut, Applegate offered a quick and easy list to follow.

Creating the Ultimate Sandwich in Three Simple Steps:

Step 1: Start with the meat, the heart of any great sandwich, then build around it. Applegate offers deli meat favorites, including natural and organic turkey, ham, chicken, and roast beef varieties. All made with no artificial ingredients, no chemical nitrates or nitrites, and meat sourced from Applegate Humanely Raised animals, which are never administered antibiotics.

Step 2: Use bread that stands up to, but doesn't overwhelm, sandwich fillings.

Step 3: Pile on ingredients from three must-have categories: Crunchy, Creamy, and Tangy.

  • Crunchy ingredients provide the ever-important texture, the most overlooked building block of a great sandwich. For example: bacon, crunchy vegetables, potato chips, fried onions
  • Creamy ingredients offer balance to umami-rich meats. They also, counterintuitively, create a barrier between bread and other fillings and keeps sandwiches from getting soggy. For example: mayo (plain or flavored), avocado, hummus, butter
  • Tangy ingredients add brightness and punch to balance out the bread and rich meats and/or cheese. For example: Pickled vegetables, chutneys, mustard, vinegary slaws

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