It is easy, with the explosive growth our industry has seen in recent years, to forget what it takes to get a high-quality product to the shelf, even for those of us who are a part of that story. The growers behind AYO stepped to the front toward the end of July as the pivotal month for almonds came to a close, highlighting how high standards of sustainability have ensured high quality in the growing AYO Almondmilk Yogurt.
AYO Almondmilk Yogurt is among a few in non-dairy yogurt to use organic almonds, according to a press release. Produced by fourth-generation farmers in California’s San Joaquin Valley, Matt Billings is the latest to carry on the tradition, and does so with the same beekeeper he has worked with for more than two decades.
“Without the bees, there would be no almonds, and almonds provide an early source of nutrition and food for the bees. We have a very healthy symbiotic relationship,” Matt commented of the commitment. “The pollen energizes the bees, and the bees energize the almonds. AYO Almondmilk Yogurt starts here.”
Regenerative agricultural practices require using natural ground covers, the team said, which promote the orchards’ diverse flora. To help with water conservation efforts, the majority of the farm’s supply comes from natural snowmelt and annual rainfall, using groundwater sparingly. The entire process is vertically integrated, with every step so controlled that the Billings family knows it takes exactly 20 organic almonds to make a creamy cup of plant-based AYO yogurt.
Organic almond farming is challenging to say the least; the one word encompasses a deep commitment that consumers have come to recognize, identify with, and support. Likewise, the trend for health is further met with less organic sugar added, making for only 150–160 calories per cup.
When AYO says “From farm to spoon, from us to you,” it is backed by more than 100 years of experience and commitment. How’s that for a story to bring to the shelf?