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duBreton Expresses Disagreement with Les Éleveurs de porcs du Québec; Vincent Breton Details

duBreton Expresses Disagreement with Les Éleveurs de porcs du Québec; Vincent Breton Details

Monday, January 6th, 2025

duBreton, a key player in organic and animal welfare pork production in Canada, expresses its disagreement with the position of Les Éleveurs de porcs du Québec (EPQ), which seeks to avoid holding a referendum on the request for exclusion from the Joint Plan of Québec pork producers.

Vincent Breton, President, duBreton“Why does Les Éleveurs de porcs du Québec refuse to consult its members on such an important issue? By doing so, EPQ is depriving many producers, particularly smaller ones, of their right to express their views, even though the Joint Plan should benefit all producers,” says Vincent Breton, President.

It should be noted that a request for exclusion was submitted by duBreton in August 2023 to exclude organic pork and animal welfare-certified pork from the collective marketing system that includes all pork produced in Quebec.

duBreton, a key player in organic and animal welfare pork production in Canada, expresses its disagreement with the position of Les Éleveurs de porcs du Québec (EPQ), which seeks to avoid holding a referendum on the request for exclusion from the Joint Plan of Québec pork producers

As a press release mentioned, the decision rendered on November 21 by the Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires du Québec rejected the inadmissibility request from Les Éleveurs de porcs du Québec, which sought to prevent the exclusion request from being heard by the Régie. Furthermore, to ensure the opinion of all producers on this matter, the Régie asked Les Éleveurs de porcs du Québec to organize a referendum among its members on this issue.

Vincent Breton also emphasizes the importance of enabling open dialogue on this fundamental issue.

“There are already sectors, such as certain fruits, where productions are managed outside joint plans ,” he adds. “I would have liked the opportunity to present this reality to other pork producers and show that alternative models can exist.”

A request for exclusion was submitted by duBreton in August 2023 to exclude organic pork and animal welfare-certified pork from the collective marketing system that includes all pork produced in Quebec

According to duBreton, holding a referendum would provide a unique opportunity to assess the real needs of producers and ensure that the Joint Plan continues to meet the diverse expectations of its members. By refusing this democratic process, EPQ risks compromising transparency and inclusivity, both essential values ​​for the proper management of the pork industry in Quebec.

As this news continues to unfold, DMN will be here to report.
