In celebration of spring, Artisanal Premium Cheese has a collection of bloomy rind cheeses available.
Bloomy rind cheeses are ripened with the application of Penicillium camemberti, which "blooms" on the surface of the cheese, and it extracts proteins from the interior. This results in a delicious, soft exterior and a smooth, creamy paste.
Pierre Robert is a triple crème-style cheese from Seine-et-Marne. It is said to be buttery smooth with a mild yet satisfying taste. This cheese is perfect for spreading on bread or even graham crackers. It pairs well with Champagne, Muscat, or a hearty stout.
Robiola due Latti is an Italian cheese made from a mix of cow and sheep's milk. The rind is paper-thin and covers a buttery paste that coats the palate. It is mild, savory, and creamy with a light lingering sweetness.
Robiola La Tur is another Italian cheese, from the Langhe region in Northern Italy. It is made from cow, sheep, and goat's milk. It has a firm but fluffy center and a soft, creamy texture just below the rind.
With all of these delicious bloomy rind cheeses available from Artisanal Premium Cheese, spring is in the air!