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The Butcher Block - Prosciutto, Jamon Iberrico, Chorizo

The Butcher Block - Prosciutto, Jamon Iberrico, Chorizo

SACRAMENTO, CA Welcome to the first installment of what will hopefully be a recurring segment. Because I am a writer at DeliMarket.TV, I have access to so many different fine cured meats that I just had to write about them. Cropped Images Apr 9th 2014

From left to right: Olli's Berkshire Prosciutto, Navidul's Jamón Ibérico Extremadura, Palacios' Mild Chorizo

Olli's Berkshire Prosciutto, made in the USA: This prosciutto is an air-cured ham made from the hind leg of a Berkshire pig. The Becker Lane certified organic pork is made into prosciutto by trimming the fat and hide, then massaging salt into the meat periodically for a month. At the end of that month, the hams are washed off and dried in a warm room before being moved to a cool room for two more months. The hams are finished and aged for a total of 16 months. Over this period, up to 1/2 of the weight of the hams is lost, according to Olli's website. Navidul's Jamón Ibérico Extremadura, made Trujillo, Spain: This Spanish ham is made in Navidul's dryers located in a land with a lengthy tradition of making jamón ibérico. The meat comes exclusively from 100% Iberian mothers. The ham is cured over a 24 month period. For the final 8 months it is cured at Navidul's facilities, where it acquires the characteristic aromas and subtleties of an excellent Jamón ibérico. Each ham is selected based on the strict criteria of texture, shape, and taste, ensuring the highest quality. Palacios' Mild Chorizo, made in la Rioja, Spain: Palacios chorizo sausage is said to be made using an old family recipe. It is an all-natural dry cured pork sausage, seasoned with sweet smoked paprika. It does not contain any nitrates, nitrites, or any other preservatives. Palacios had the first authentic Spanish chorizo available in the United States. The company's chorizos are fully dry-cured and ready to eat. They are perfect alongside some fine cheese, wine, and bread. Cropped Images Apr 9th 2014 Be sure to check back next week for more artisan charcuterie!