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New Study Reveals Significant Impact on California’s Dairy Industry

New Study Reveals Significant Impact on California’s Dairy Industry


California farms sold approximately $9.4 billion worth of milk while the dairy industry contributed nearly $21 billion in value added to the gross state product in 2014, according to a new California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) study conducted by the University of California Agricultural Issues Center (AIC).

Additionally, with the inclusion of sales of inputs to dairy farms and milk processors alongside the raw milk and wholesale milk product sales, the dairy industry contributed $65 billion in total sales to the state’s economy last year.

“The dairy industry’s contributions are vital to California’s economy, from creating jobs to stimulating local and regional economies to providing nutritious and enjoyable products to consumers everywhere,” said John Talbot, CEO at the California Milk Advisory Board.

Talbot added, “A large number of California residents depend on the dairy industry for employment and these jobs would not exist without it.”

In terms of jobs, the study also revealed that the increased demand for dairy products and strong dairy exports accounted for more than 189,000 jobs associated with the dairy industry.

California leads the United States in dairy production and dairy continues to be the top commodity in the country’s top agricultural state.

California Milk Advisory Board
