Three Twins Ice Cream has recently launched three new organic flavors to its quickly growing lineup, including the
first ever organic “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough” ice cream, “Brownie Batter Chunk,” and “Land of Milk and Honey.” These products are now available in 16 oz. pints at your local Whole Foods Market, The Fresh Market, or other independent retailers, according to a press release.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: Enjoy perfectly plunked chunks of chocolate chip cookie dough amidst of sea of vanilla ice cream.
Brownie Batter Chunk: A chocolate lover’s dream of smooth ice cream made with black cocoa and pieces of mouth-watering brownie batter chunks.
Land of Milk and Honey: Originally conceived as a Jewish-themed Hanukkah ice cream flavor in honor of Jon Stewart, now Three Twins lovers can indulge in its smooth and creamy magical melding of milk and honey year-round.
Along with these new flavors, Three Twins will be expanding its operations in Sheboygan, Wisconsin to fulfill increasing demand nationwide and supplement local operations in Petaluma, California. The new production facility has six times the capacity of the Petaluma factory.
As for Three Twins other flavors, such as Sergio Romo’s Mexican Chocolate, distribution will finally be expanded outside of California in 2014. Coming this summer, Three Twins will be launching new ice cream sandwiches! The latest variety features Madagascar vanilla ice cream sandwiched between rich chocolate wafers made from Fair Trade Certified black cocoa.
I personally tried Land of Milk and Honey recently at the California Artisan Cheese Festival and I couldn’t get enough of it!
Three Twins Ice Cream