January 21 was the White House’s second annual Big Block of Cheese Day. While all the cheesiest puns have been applied, the only thing that will be missing is an actual big block of cheddar.
Four score and some time ago, President Andrew Jackson received a block of cheese too big for either himself, his staff, or his friends to consume. Out of desperation, he made a grand gesture to the people and opened the doors of the White House to the public for the very first time.
Thanks to technology and social media, those doors are virtually non-existent today, and we don’t need a giant block of cheddar to come knocking. This story has, however, inspired the Obama Administration’s newest forum to reach out and answer the public for the second year in a row.
“Here at the White House, we're dedicated to making President Obama's administration the most open and accessible in history,” the White House said in a press release. “That's why, for the second year in a row, we thought it'd be a gouda idea to brie-unite a certain cast of characters to help us bring back a tradition that dates back to the days of President Andrew Jackson.”
The bad news - this occasion is completely virtual. So if you were hoping the White House would take care of your deli trays for this Sunday’s Big Game, apologies. There isn’t actually going to be any cheese, but there will be a Q&A on the President’s State of the Union Address as well as other important issues brought to their attention.
So while the crackers have to stay in the box, your questions don’t have to remain unanswered. To follow the day’s activities, go to Whitehouse.gov/SOTU.
Maybe one of those questions will include a request for next year’s Big Block of Cheese Day to actually include some cheese!