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I Bake Um Owner Peter Avedissian Discusses Authentic Brick Oven Baking

Thursday, August 6th, 2015

Pizza is a staple in American quick-paced cuisine, and when asking consumers about an authentically baked pizza it’s very likely they will respond with “over a fire.”

I Bake Um, Inc. represents four generations of this approach, and Owner Peter Avedissian took the time at IDDBA to tell us all about it.

“All our products are in authentic brick oven baking style,” Peter tells us, as the company showcases its wood fire pizza crust.

Made with seven natural ingredients and bread that has no oils, this is a pizza that Peter is proud to say meets both the natural and on-the-go consumer trends that are currently driving the industry.

“It’s something very unique to the market that you can take and bake in three minutes,” he said. “And of course it’s wood fired, which we feel is the granddaddy of all pizzas.”

Because it adds that wood fired authenticity and a rapid cook time to one of America’s favorite meals, Peter assures us that it’s just a matter of time until you see this in stores near you.

To see our full interview, check out the brief video above.

I Bake Um, Inc.

Odyssey - Tzatziki Dip - Fresh Bold FlavorsSimple done right

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