Karoun Dairies' Mediterranean cheeses and yogurt drinks won five top prizes at the 32nd annual American Cheese Society (ACS) conference held earlier this month in Rhode Island.
“We’re honored by the ACS and their acknowledgement of the quality of the products we produce. We use hand-crafted traditional methods of blending, aging, and fermenting,” says Rostom Baghdassarian, COO for Karoun Dairies. “Our all-natural yogurt drinks have live probiotic cultures and are made with fresh California milk that is free from BHG/rBST, and are also OU Kosher certified.”
Karoun Dairies' awards included the following categories:
Feta Made from Cows Milk:
Feta Made from Goats Milk:
Kefir, Drinkable Yogurt, Buttermilk, and Other Drinkable Cultured Products:
Fresh Unripened Cheeses – Made From Cow’s Milk:
Labneh, Greek Style Yogurt, and Other Strained Cultured Products:
This year, the ACS conference saw the highest attendance on record: 1,779 cheeses and cultured milk products from 267 different companies in both North and South America. Over 1,400 members strong, ACS is an organization that supports the understanding, appreciation, and promotion of farmstead, artisan and specialty cheeses produced in the Americas. According to a press release, quality and tradition make Karoun Dairies a natural fit for the high standards of the ACS.
Baghdassarian continued by explaining that Karoun takes pride in the extra steps necessary to ensure the company's products are the freshest possible.