Kitchen Table Bakers, the creator of Aged Parmesan “Parm” Crisps, and Vice Big Cheese Seth Novick took the time to tell DeliMarket News just what makes the company's crisps so unique. Between new products and a specialized baking process, Seth weighs in on it all.
“We’re a unique product. We’ve been at it for twelve years, but people can’t get their heads around the fact that it’s 100% cheese,” Seth says. “How does it get that crunch to it? It’s this baking process that we have. We’ve got specially formulated cheese that really has the savoriness and the crispness.”
Seth also took the time to introduce us to the company’s newest product, Jalapeño Parmesan Crisps. The crisps come in 1.75-ounce, stand up packages and are available in a 1-inch crisp size.
Kitchen Table Bakers Parm Crisps are now available in three flavors, Aged Parmesan, Sesame, and the new Jalapeño variety. The company’s line hits all the highly sought after food trends, including:
To see our full interview with the Vice Big Cheese, watch the brief video above.