DePalo Foods Strombolis
Simple done right
A mischievous cheese this versatile belongs in your deli aisle.
EU Gem Ham - Prosciutto di Carpegna PDO
Mediterra® Nutrition Bars Expanding Distribution

Mediterra® Nutrition Bars Expanding Distribution

Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

Mediterra® has announced that it has added distribution in over 800 marquee stores across the United States including H-E-B, Fresh & Easy, Schnucks and Dierbergs.

Telemaque Lavidas, Founder, Mediterra“Mediterra’s continued growth affirms that people clearly want a delicious, healthy and convenient snack that’s different than what’s already on store shelves,” says Telemaque Lavidas, Founder of Mediterra.

As we reported earlier this year, Mediterra® recently expanded its distribution to include Whole Foods locations in Southern California, Nevada, Arizona and Hawaii.


According to the company, Mediterra bars are distributed in over 3,000 markets through North America including stores like Kroger, Loblaws, Sprouts and more.


The nutrition bars feature various fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains. They are all-natural, non-GMO, Gluten-free and MSRP between $1.99 and $2.49.


DePalo Foods StrombolisSimple done rightA mischievous cheese this versatile belongs in your deli aisle.EU Gem Ham - Prosciutto di Carpegna PDO

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In This Story

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