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duBreton Signs Agreement With Ontario Producer; Vincent Breton Comments

duBreton Signs Agreement With Ontario Producer; Vincent Breton Comments

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

As a believer in animal welfare, duBreton has been fighting the good fight to provide its partners with humane products. One of the latest steps in this process includes the company’s signing of a new agreement with an Ontario pork producer.

As a press release explained, in order to ensure and maintain a growing supply of animal welfare certified hogs, duBreton must work with suppliers outside Quebec.

Vincent Breton, President, duBreton"It is deplorable that current regulations are depriving local producers of unique market opportunities to protect the productivity and profitability of some buyers. That's why we've applied to be excluded from the pork producers' joint plan for organic and animal welfare certified products," said Vincent Breton, President of duBreton.

As the release went on to note, Appendix 5 of the new hog collective marketing agreement—concerning the movement clause and change of assignment—paralyzes movement between slaughterhouses and blocks producers from applying for new agreements that meet higher animal welfare standards.

As it continues to fight for humane animal practices throughout Canada, duBreton signs an agreement with an Ontario producerOne of the ways that duBreton differentiates itself at market is by offering alternative solutions that meet consumer demands for products that come from humanely raised pigs.

Keep reading Deli Market News as we continue to watch the developments.
