DePalo Foods Strombolis
A mischievous cheese this versatile belongs in your deli aisle.
Wegmans Grand Opening Breaks Records

Wegmans Grand Opening Breaks Records

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

Oh, Wegmans, the industry certainly does love thee! Last week, the retailer unveiled its newest location—also its 100th location in total—in Raleigh, North Carolina. The Sunday grand opening was met with rousing success and consumer joy, as over 30,000 customers stopped by to see the new store. This marks a top store opening attendance in the company’s history.

Hallie Johnston, Store Manager, Wegmans"We knew there was a lot of excitement, but the outpouring we saw yesterday was beyond anything we could've hoped for," Store Manager Hallie Johnston explained to abc11. "From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank everyone who made our first day in North Carolina so special. We're incredibly proud to be here."

The excitement generated isn’t unfounded; according to its press release, Wegmans will feature over 4,000 organic choices throughout the 104,000-square-feet store. The News & Observer also reported that a third of the store is dedicated to prepared foods, with more than 1,000 beers and 2,000 wines also in stock. Can you imagine the possibilities?

Wegmans opened its 100th store to over 3,000 customers waiting in line on its opening day

Given that consumers went bonkers for this store, it's little wonder that Wegmans is planning on building four more stores in North Carolina. The first is set to open in 2020.

As the retailer’s expansion plans continue, Deli Market News will report the latest.
