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Whole Foods Beats Trader Joe's in Ranking of Most Popular Grocery Stores

Whole Foods Beats Trader Joe's in Ranking of Most Popular Grocery Stores

Monday, September 16th, 2019

While retailers continue to invest in grocery delivery partnerships and program expansions, the in-store experience will always reign supreme. From big-name companies like Whole Foods to regional niche favorites like Hong Kong Supermarket, all retailers are subject to the often finicky opinions of Yelp reviewers. 24/7 Tempo has taken to the review site to determine the top 30 grocery stores in the nation, and Whole Foods Market rocketed to the top spot.

Convenience, store organization, cleanliness, price, and more were taken into consideration when crafting the list

A business school study of grocery store customer loyalty last year found that 83 percent of shoppers regularly visited between four and nine stores for groceries over a 12-month period. 24/7 Tempo looked at the top 350 supermarkets, excluding restaurants and delis, and honed in on the top representative store if it was part of a chain. According to 24/7 Tempo, the factors taken into consideration for the list were: convenience, store organization, cleanliness, price, shopper rewards programs, availability of specific products, how a chain treats its employees, and how the parent company is perceived to behave in general. If you ask me, that’s a lot of research to find a good place to buy some dinner.

Amongst that list were:

  • Eataly NYC Flatiron, New York, NY–1st
  • Whole Foods Market, Austin, TX–5th
  • Trader Joe’s, New York, NY–6th
  • Costco, Honolulu, HI–8th
  • Safeway, San Francisco, CA–14th

For the full list of supermarkets and the Yelp reviews to back it up, click here, and keep reading Deli Market News for all your retail updates.


DePalo Foods CalzonesThe Deli Bakery just got a new Snacking Heavy-HitterWeeknights deserve quality Italian CheeseBergader - Maximize Your Profits with Bergader's edelblu Cheeses!

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Who are we? Well, we seek out the finest natural and organic foods available, maintain the strictest quality standards in the industry, and have an unshakeable commitment to sustainable agriculture...

We buy direct from suppliers whenever possible, we bargain hard to get the best price, and then pass the savings on to you. If an item doesn’t pull its weight in our stores, it goes away to gangway...