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Aldi Announces New $1.6 Billion Remodel Plan

Aldi Announces New $1.6 Billion Remodel Plan

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

With Aldi continuing its push to become one of U.S. consumers' go-to destinations for fresh food, the company has announced a shift in its current expansion strategy. The discount retailer will be undergoing a $1.6 billion plan to remodel all current locations, including a focus on revamping its dairy, meat, and bakery sections.

Jason Hart, CEO, Aldi (Photo Credit: The National Confectioners Association)“With this significant investment in our stores, what we’re really doing is continuing to invest in ALDI customers,” explained Jason Hart, CEO, ALDI. “We’re continuing to expand our fresh offerings, which means we need to provide more space for produce, meat, and bakery items. We’ve also made a number of improvements to our products–such as removing added MSG, certified synthetic colors and partially hydrogenated oils from all of our ALDI exclusive brand foods. But one thing that hasn’t changed is that our customers still save money on the groceries they buy the most.” 

This investment will cover over 1,300 stores within the U.S. According to a press release, the remodel will update the chain’s look to a modern design and expand on the chain’s current offerings; including a focus on a more robust fresh selections.

Photo Source: ACAPMAg

As reported in Forbes, the fresh-foced revamp will see a new refrigerated air case to show off value-added products. The remodel will also offer larger dairy and bakery sections, more produce, as well as more SKUs throughout the store. This new fresh-minded store format first started being introduced to the buy-side sector last year in select locations, with the chain remaining consistently focused on fresh.

“ALDI customers know we stand out from our competitors for a reason: we offer high-quality, affordable food that they can feel good about serving their families,” added Hart. “Our unmatched combination of exceptional quality and everyday low prices is why we’re one of the fastest growing retailers in the U.S., currently operating in 35 states.”

The company still plans to open 650 stores across the nation, stating that it’s planning for a total of 2,000 spanning U.S. soil by the end of next year.

With fresh top-of-mind and more expansions in the immediate future, look to Deli Market News for the latest Aldi news.
