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King Soopers President and 51 Year Vet Russ Dispense to Retire

King Soopers President and 51 Year Vet Russ Dispense to Retire

Thursday, June 2nd, 2016

After 15 years at the helm and over half a century with the team, King Soopers President Russ Dispense has announced that July 1st will be his last day.

Russ Dispense, President, King SoopersDispense joined the Kroger branch in 1965 as a courtesy clerk, working his way through several leadership roles in departments through stores, warehouses, manufacturing plants, and administrative offices to his current position.

"Throughout his distinguished career, Russ has always been known for his passion for the community, King Soopers and for people,” Rodney McMullen, Kroger's Chairman and CEO, said in a press release. “His desire to see those who work with him grow and develop has changed the lives of our associates and touched the lives of our customers.”

During his tenure with King Soopers, Dispense has served in the following roles:

  • Vice President of Retail Operations and Merchandising for the King Soopers Division (1983)
  • Vice President of Real Estate
  • President of Smith's Food and Drug Stores in Salt Lake City (1999)
  • President of King Soopers/City Market Division (2001)

A Colorado native, Dispense is currently a member on the Board of Directors for Western Association of Food Chains. He is a Past Chairman of the Board for the Better Business Bureau, the Board of Directors for the Mountain States Employers Council, and the Rocky Mountain Food Dealers Association, as well as the State of Colorado Governor's Advisory Council.

"Under Russ's leadership, King Soopers has grown significantly while remaining Colorado's favorite grocery store in a highly-competitive market,” McMullen continued. “Russ will end his incredible career as our longest-serving King Soopers President. We are grateful for his many years of exceptional service and leadership, and wish him, Debbie and their family all the best in retirement.”

Married to his wife Debbie for 46 years, Dispense has two children and five grandchildren.

Congratulations to Mr. Dispense on this newest chapter and a successful career in the industry.

Kroger Co.King Soopers

DePalo Foods CalzonesThe Deli Bakery just got a new Snacking Heavy-HitterWeeknights deserve quality Italian CheeseBergader - Maximize Your Profits with Bergader's edelblu Cheeses!

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