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SuperValu to Serve as Primary and Wholesale Grocery Provider for Marsh Supermarkets

SuperValu to Serve as Primary and Wholesale Grocery Provider for Marsh Supermarkets

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

SuperValu Inc. is making some major moves into extending the reach of its wholesale services, this most recent announcement finds the company in a new long-term partnership with Marsh Supermarkets as its primary grocery supplier

Mark Gross, President and CEO, SuperValu

“It’s great to see this growth in our wholesale business, and I’m also excited about what this means for the growth in our broad services offering,” stated Mark Gross, SuperValu President and CEO, in a recent press release.

The company will not only service the needs of Marsh Supermarkets and its subsidiary O’Malia Food Markets for deli, dairy, and bakery products, but will also act as a supplier for the following traditional categories:

  • Grocery
  • Seafood
  • Frozen foods
  • Meat 
  • Fresh produce

The transition of stores into the new agreement is expected to be completed around the end of September, 2016. Marsh Supermarkets is headquartered in Indianapolis, IN, and operates around 70 Marsh stores and O’Malia Food Markets throughout Indiana and Ohio.

“Marsh Supermarkets is a terrific grocery chain that has served customers and communities across Indiana and Ohio for 85 years,” said Mark Gross, SuperValu President and CEO, in a recent press release. “Their shoppers have come to expect quality, value and a great fresh experience and we’re pleased Marsh has entrusted us for this business going forward. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to combine both our wholesale and logistics experience with our professional service offerings to deliver a comprehensive solution for them.”

Under the new agreement, SuperValu will also provide professional services and merchandising support to Marsh, which includes advanced merchandise planning, strategic pricing analysis, and shelf management programs. 

Additionally, SuperValu stated that this partnership will give Marsh further benefits from the company’s new SV Insights business intelligence tool, and mobile order entry system. 

Keep up with Deli Market News as more information is released on this partnership, and as we continue giving you up-to-the-minute information on buy-side strategies and expansions.

SuperValuMarsh Supermarkets

DePalo Foods CalzonesThe Deli Bakery just got a new Snacking Heavy-HitterWeeknights deserve quality Italian CheeseBergader - Maximize Your Profits with Bergader's edelblu Cheeses!

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In This Story

SUPERVALU is a grocery industry leader, serving customers through over 3,400 owned, licensed, franchised and affiliated stores across the country. Our roots are in supply and wholesale distribution...

Marsh is an Indiana, home-grown original. In 1931, Ermal Marsh founded his first store on West Jackson Street in Muncie, Indiana. Today, Marsh Supermarkets is a regional food retailer in the...