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JuraFlore Comte Cheese's Franck Arnaud Shares Exclusive Portfolio Insights

Monday, August 12th, 2024

Authentic flavors, high quality, and enticing packaging are all brought to the shelves by JuraFore’s impressive Comte Cheese lineup. As the brand brings its best-selling cheese to retailers in the United States, we recently tapped Franck Arnaud, Innovation Manager, for some more insights.

Franck Arnaud, Innovation Manager, JuraFore“One thing in particular we're very happy with is our best seller in France. Now we are bringing it to the States. [It’s] our "Mini Cave." That's how we call it,” shared Franck in an exclusive interview with Deli Market News.

Drawing consumers to the authentic peretta cheese, the packaging showcases a key element of the supplier’s production process.

“It looks like a cave because we have a cave…built of stone caves. So, with our pack, we wanted to symbolize this,” Franck adds. “It's a Comté cheese; it's from a military fort that's been designed by Napoleon Bonaparte.”

JuraFore’s impressive Comte Cheese lineup includes its “Mini Cave” variety, a hit back in France The unique lineup of cheeses is produced with milk from specific regions in France, with each individual region giving the cheese a distinct and flavorful taste.

Find out more in our exclusive video above!
