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EU Gem Ham - Prosciutto di Carpegna PDO

Tillamook Declares “American Cheese” Un-American

Monday, June 29th, 2015

Tillamook is taking a staunch stand against American cheese this coming Independence Day, and the company has enlisted the help of former presidents and Betsy Ross to take the message home.

In one video clip, the “Un-American Cheese” campaign depicts Abraham Lincoln equipped with a sword speared with cheese, riding atop a grizzly bear, arguing that processed cheese is undeserving of being called “American.” Yes, you read that right. Check out the clip above.


Our flag stands for freedom. Freedom to declare your independence from processed “American Cheese” and melt real cheddar slices over your crispy sausages. Save $1 on Tillamook Cheddar at  #DairyDoneRight 

Tillamook encourages viewers to sign a White House petition to remove America’s name from processed cheese. From now until July 4th, Tillamook hopes to garner more than 100,000 signatures.

You can sign the White House petition by clicking here. As of the time of this writing, the petition currently sits at 2,795 signatures. 


According to the company, “American Cheese” is a processed cheese product comprised of as many as 18 ingredients including sorbic acid and sodium phosphate. The FDA also states that “American Cheese” can’t be sold as real cheese, but rather must be called a cheese product.

“Something that’s called American should be real and natural,” said John Russell, Tillamook’s Senior Director of Marketing. “We want to get people to start thinking more about their dairy choices and join Tillamook in the fight for authentic, real food.”


The campaign, conceived by 72andSunny is an extension of the “Dairy Done Right” campaign. Other digital “Un-American Cheese” art includes a shot of George Washington on a flying bald eagle surrounded by fire. Another image depicts Betsy Ross surfing on a great white shark, lancing American cheese slices while clutching the American flag.


Carr Valley Cheese - New Year, Timeless FlavorsEU Gem Ham - Prosciutto di Carpegna PDO

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