DePalo Foods Strombolis
A mischievous cheese this versatile belongs in your deli aisle.
Triumphant Return for Patrick Cudahy®  Race for the Bacon

Triumphant Return for Patrick Cudahy® "Race for the Bacon"

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

The fourth-annual Patrick Cudahy® "Race for the Bacon" 5k Run and Walk made its triumphant return yesterday, and everyone at the race was a winner. Patrick Cudahy dished out loads of fun, entertainment and excitement for all in attendance. A portion of race proceeds benefits the JDRF of Southeastern Wisconsin.

Just as in years past, the runners ran to impress. Brian Falcone of Kenosha, WI was crowned champion with a time of 17:12. He was followed by Joel Tortomasi and Matt Jacobson, who took home prizes for the second-fastest and third-fastest men. Jennifer Chaudoir of Green Bay, WI crossed the line with a time of 19:38, giving her honors as the fastest woman in the event. Susie Buerger was the second-fastest woman and Ruth Lunz was third-fastest.

Mitch Cooper, Patrick Cudahy; Wendy Hanisch, JDRF; Bouda Family

Medals for the top finishers weren't the only prizes awarded, not by a long shot. The first 125 finishers received a package of Patrick Cudahy fully-cooked bacon.

The bacon-filled fun carried well into the night. Following the race, Patrick Cudahy served up the "Bacon Bash," which included lots of delicious bacon treats and beverages to cool down the runners. Mitch Cooper, Marketing Manager for Patrick Cudahy, and Wendy Hanisch, Executive Director for the Southeastern WI Chapter of JDRF, concluded the event by presenting a $500 Pick 'N Save grocery gift card and nutrition plan to a family affected by Type 1 diabetes.

"I want to thank everyone who came out and supported the "Race for the Bacon," said Cooper. "We love seeing the community rally around this event and making it such a success. It's because of these efforts that we're able to support such a wonderful cause and help a well-deserving family."

For more information on the Patrick Cudahy "Race for the Bacon" or Patrick Cudahy products, log onto and

Patrick Cudahy

DePalo Foods StrombolisA mischievous cheese this versatile belongs in your deli aisle.

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In This Story

For over one hundred years, Patrick Cudahy has crafted premium meats with authentic flavor and genuine goodness. From our signature Sweet Apple-Wood Smoked bacon and ham to our delicious deli meats...