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Walmart's Partners with NYC's Fulton Fish Market

Walmart's Partners with NYC's Fulton Fish Market

Friday, February 15th, 2019

Fulton Fish Market and are working together to bring something unique to NYC consumers: the ability to order fresh, sustainably-sourced seafood and have it delivered straight to their door. Available via Jet’s City Grocery experience, consumers will have access to Fresh Bronzini, Wild Chilean Sea Bass, Fresh Wild Yellowfin Tuna, and more.

Simon Belsham, President,“As we continue to grow the Jet City Grocery experience, with a focus on fresh products, The Fulton Fish Market is the best partner we could bring on to deliver high quality, fresh seafood to our shoppers,” stated Simon Belsham, President, Jet. “Jet customers will now be able to order nearly 25 varieties of sustainably sourced seafood straight to their door and know that the product is being provided by a trusted source. It is yet another convenience Jet is bringing to our urban consumers in the New York City area.”

According to a press release, this partnership is unique within the online grocery space both due to the logistics in how Jet and will be working together and the delivery options being offered to customers.

Mike Spindler, CEO," is excited to launch our partnership with Jet City Grocery. Both companies pride themselves in disrupting the traditional food delivery industry and have the shared goal of providing the highest quality and freshest product to end consumers efficiently," stated Mike Spindler, CEO of

How does it all work, exactly? Product arrives at Fulton Fish Market between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., and is then delivered to the Jet Bronx Fulfillment Center—a ten minute drive away—at 8 a.m. For those who order on Jet before noon, their same-day deliveries will arrive within the 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. delivery window.

Available via Jet’s City Grocery experience, consumers will have access to Fresh Bronzini, Wild Chilean Sea Bass, Fresh Wild Yellowfin Tuna, and more

Another highlight of this partnership is that helps solve the issue of mislabeled fish by only buying whole fish—as opposed to filets. This allows each species and origin to be appropriately identified so Jet customers can be assured that they are eating the fish that they ordered.

At launch, Jet will initially be offering 24 SKUs and price will vary by product ranging from $7.99 for a 14 oz Tilapia filet (2 x 7 oz) to $42.99 for 12 oz Wild Lobster Tails (2 x 6 oz). View the full assortment of Fulton Fish Market products on Jet here.

For the latest in specialty food happenings, keep reading us here at Deli Market News.

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