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Volpi Foods Prepares to Launch Eco-Pack™ Packaging; Lorenza Pasetti Details

Volpi Foods Prepares to Launch Eco-Pack™ Packaging; Lorenza Pasetti Details

Wednesday, April 12th, 2023

Retailers, mark your calendars for an impressive launch this summer. Volpi Foods is ramping up its sustainability efforts with its innovative new Eco-Pack packaging that will reduce plastic while increasing sales in-store as shoppers clamor to fill their baskets with high-quality deli products that minimize their negative environmental impact.

Lorenza Pasetti, Chief Executive Officer, Volpi Foods“Our new paper material used in our Eco-Pack™ is curbside recyclable once separated from its thin liner. Additionally, the shelf-life of our Eco-Pack™ packaging is equivalent to that of our previous plastic packaging, so there is no increase in food waste resulting from the switch to paper-based packaging,” explains Lorenza Pasetti, Chief Executive Officer. “Our goal has been to reduce the use of single-use plastic packaging, and we are proud to have achieved this.”

Volpi transitioned its entire pre-sliced line to its Eco-Pack packaging in 2021. Since doing so, the supplier has reduced its plastic by 70 percent and has diverted over 128 tons of the substance. With this new launch, the company is taking its sustainability efforts to the next level.

This is incredibly impactful in a high-plastic use category like pre-sliced deli meats. It makes Volpi stand out in the deli department because of its commitment to reducing its negative environmental impacts.

Volpi Foods is ramping up its sustainability efforts with its innovative new Eco-Pack™ packaging that will reduce plastic while increasing sales in-store

Volpi’s packaging debut also offers advantages to its retail partners looking for more sustainable products to feature in-store.

“Everyone is aware of plastic use and how harmful it is to our environment,” says Lorenza. “Our new Eco-Pack will benefit our partners because consumers want to do their part in reducing plastic use. So, why not do that by buying a delicious product that is in eco-friendly packaging?”

The supplier’s packaging is not the only way it does its part to help the environment. Volpi further curbs its impact through its Raised Responsibly efforts.

This means securing third-party animal welfare auditing so that herds have agricultural biodiversity, comprehensive care from birth to humane harvest, are fed a primarily vegetarian diet, have the freedom to roam and socialize naturally, and are raised without steroids, growth promotants, or gestation crates.

Using these guidelines, Volpi has other exciting new products in the works that it will share this summer. Stay tuned!

Volpi Foods